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Reorder Point Formula: How to Calculate This Critical Inventory Metric
(Comment 24) Several comments request greater specificity on when farms should conduct their annual agricultural water assessment (for example, prior to planting, prior to harvest, between planting and harvest, or prior to water use). Some comments request clarity on how frequently FDA expects farms to determine the likelihood of any given hazard (for example, at least annually). Other comments suggest that farms should be required to prepare an agricultural water assessment at least annually, with an additional assessment within a week prior to harvest.
Reducing excess inventory
Comments also seek clarity as to when FDA would expect the testing to be completed (for example, before the season starts). Further, some comments question whether historical water testing data could be used for the purposes of an exemption from preparing an agricultural water assessment. Comments also request clarification on whether this exemption could be used for a farm that only uses pre-harvest water, but tests to the same standard as post-harvest water and meets all other relevant requirements. (Response 35) We recognize that not all farms (including, for example, new farms and those growing covered produce on land under short-term lease), will have a historic understanding of their agricultural water systems, including uses of adjacent and nearby lands.
Reorder Point in Practice: Use an inventory management system
Several comments focused on other topics, such as alternative options to the regulatory approach for pre-harvest agricultural water and the shift from mandated agricultural water testing in the 2015 produce safety final rule to the proposed approach for pre-harvest agricultural water assessments. (Response 108) If a farm treats its pre-harvest agricultural water based on its agricultural water assessment, the necessary timing for implementing agricultural water treatment will depend on the specific conditions at the farm. For example, if the farm treats its pre-harvest agricultural water in response to a condition in which there may be ongoing introduction of known or reasonably foreseeable hazards into the agricultural water system, it may be an appropriate response for the farm to treat that water each time it is used as pre-harvest agricultural water. For example, in situations where runoff introduces known or reasonably foreseeable hazards into the agricultural water system, and the farm is not able to prevent such events from occurring, it may be appropriate for the farm to treat the water each time it is used. Or, depending on the nature of the potential source of hazards as well as other information evaluated under § 112.43(a), treatment of agricultural water only during certain times of the growing season may be sufficient to reduce the potential for contamination of covered produce. For example, depending on the circumstances, the farm might determine that treatment is only necessary when agricultural water is applied close to harvest.
H. Testing as Part of an Assessment (§ 112.43(d))
A few comments suggest specific compliance dates from 1 to 3 years after the final rule publishes based on farm size would be appropriate, whereas others suggest that a single compliance date for all agricultural water provisions 2 years after publication of the final rule would be more appropriate. (Response 130) As discussed in the 2015 produce safety final rule, although some antimicrobial substances are regulated by FDA, most antimicrobial substances that might be used by farms in agricultural water are regulated by the EPA (Ref. 85) (80 FR at 74439). We anticipate that the treatment efficacy protocol (Ref. 82), which EPA approved, will facilitate the registration of chemical treatments and increase the options for corrective and mitigation measures available to farms. We anticipate that having several chemical treatment options available encompassing a range of chemistries and applications will help ensure coverage over an industry with such variable practices and conditions. (Comment 116) Several comments assert that a time interval for in-field microbial die-off only makes sense if preceded by microbial water testing, which would allow farms to calculate an acceptable die-off interval rate that may differ from 4 days. These comments note that the 2015 final rule indicated the importance of sampling water sources when a die-off period is used as a mitigation measure, whereas the 2021 proposed rule did not propose to require sampling to establish a baseline understanding of the microbial presence in the water.
A. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act
If the four initial sample results meet the microbial quality criterion under § 112.44(a), the farm may test once annually thereafter. As such, in order to be eligible for the exemption in § 112.43(b)(1)(i), the farm must test the source of untreated ground water each growing season or year. We received numerous comments on the exemptions in proposed § 112.43(b) and respond to those comments below. As discussed below, we are finalizing the exemptions from the requirement to prepare a pre-harvest agricultural water assessment and clarifying that an exemption which one of these would not be a factor in determining the reorder point? only applies if it is reasonably likely that the relevant quality of water will not change prior to the water being used as agricultural water. Further, as discussed in section V.K., FDA has collaborated with EPA to develop a testing protocol for evaluating the efficacy of antimicrobial chemical treatments against certain foodborne pathogens in agricultural water sources. We recognize the value of collaborating with Federal partners in related disciplines, and will consider additional collaborative efforts related to the requirements we are finalizing here.
FIFO vs. LIFO: Choose the Right Inventory Valuation Method
G. General Overview of Changes in the Final Rule